Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hallows Family Campout 08

The first weekend in August we had our annual Hallows Family Campout! It was so much fun. We go up to our very own campground in SheepValley (It's up by Fish Lake Utah) for 4 days. It's with all my relatives on my mom's side of the family. We play lots of volleyball, crafts, have races, limbo, bubble gum blowing contest, skits, games, a hike, nightly programs, and tons of good food. I love going and hanging out with all my cousins and relatives. I think there's over 70 of us now. It's a good thing we all get along! This was the first time Wyatt and Lancer have gone camping. They did pretty good. Here's a family photo, sorry we look kinda scary we haven't showered in 3 days.

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